St. Bonaventure University

New to SBU?  Welcome!!

Here are a few things to know about the library to help you get started:
  • The most important thing--you can always find help at the library!  Whether you're stuck on finding the right resources for a paper or need advice on citations--or you just have a question, the library is the place to connect!
    • Help is available in person at the Reference Desk, by phone (716-375-2164), by email (ref @, or via Ask Us 24/7, our virtual reference service. 
    • All of the library web pages have assistance links in the lower left corner of the pages.
    • To find a librarian, please ask at the reference desk, or at the front desk if the librarian has stepped away from the reference desk.
  • If you need to log into a library database from off-campus, your user name is your SBU user name (without the @bonaventure part).  Your library password is different from your regular SBU password because we authenticate you to off-campus sources. If you do not know your password, please contact the Reference Desk.
  • Start your library searches from the library's home page at You'll see the library's discovery service search box at the top/middle of the page. This tool searches the majority of our databases, including our catalog and e-books. Databases that are not included are ProQuest and Nexis Uni, along with some specialized medical databases.  For comprehensive searches, we recommend using the discovery service first, and then running your search in Proquest and/or subject-specific databases.
  • Want a hand figuring out citations?  Use our citation manager--Noodletools.  This will help you format accurate citations in APA, Chicago/Turabian, and MLA styles. For more citation help, check the citation link near the bottom of the library home page, and always check with a librarian for more assistance!
  • Read newspapers for free! Use your SBU e-mail address to subscribe. Follow these links for the publications you want:
  • Check out books! The library has an extensive collection of print and eBooks for academic research. We even have a limited number of fiction and nonfiction bestsellers that are frequently updated, so you can find some of your leisure reading here too!
  • Do you need something the library does not have? Use our InterLibrary Loan service!
  • Are you publishing your work in a journal? Check out Cabells Journalytics to help find information on the best journals for your work.
  • Visiting an academic library elsewhere in New York State? We are an Empire State AcademicShare library. AcademicSHARE Member libraries minimally agree to allow on-site access and lend materials to any current college student, staff, and/or faculty member from another member.
  • Would you like a library instruction session or consultation? If you're looking for an individual or group consultation, please stop by the Reference Desk or email to arrange a time. If you're an instructor who would like a librarian to visit your class, in person or via Zoom, please fill out our library instruction request form. To see our current list of scheduled sessions, click here.
  • Computer problems? The IT Help Desk is in the library, on the first floor near the printers in the back.
  • Need to print? Use the computer lab in the back part of the first floor or install Papercut software on your computer so that you can send print jobs wirelessly to the library (and other) printers (students only--faculty/staff need to use staff multifunction devices--we have one on the lower level that will accept your code). You can find the Papercut install link on MySBU--look for the "Tech Assistance" link in the top menu bar (near the right).
  • Hungry? Please be sure to visit the library POD while you're here. It is located on the first floor in the new section. As you walk through the archways from the main reading room to the area with new furniture, look to your left. The POD is in the corner area. The POD offers beverages, light snacks, and bigger snack items like pizza, Hot Pockets, etc.--with a microwave to heat your food!
    • Why is it named the POD? POD is a brand name of Aramark's (our food service vendor), which stands for Provisions on Demand.
  • Finally, if you are on campus, please visit our beautiful building to work on research, study, collaborate with others, or just to relax! We have one of the most beautiful libraries in the region, if we do say so ourselves! You are always welcome!
    • Check out our Rare Book Exhibit room, through the glass doors to your right as soon as you enter the lobby area. You can also schedule a personal tour of the facility for yourself or a class.
    • The main reading room, to your left as you enter the building, is a classic reading room that looks much the same as it did when the library opened in 1938! Even the tables and chairs are original (with some refinishing, over the years).
    • From the main reading room, turn to your right and head into the back part of the first floor. This area has new furniture that invites collaboration as well as provides private workspaces. Feel free to look around!
    • The new books and bestsellers bookcase is along the brick wall when you enter the back area--these items can be checked out with your SBU ID (which is also your library card).
    • We have a children's book collection too, to support our School of Education students. However, anyone can borrow from it.
    • Questions while visiting? Stop at the Reference Desk and we'll be glad to chat!